Thursday, June 4, 2009

Some fun facts about Evan:

Evan is 3 years and 3 months old.  He's growing like a weed and getting smarter every single day.  He is just the most amazing thing and brings so much joy and happiness to our family!  

His favorite fruits are strawberries, mandarin oranges and apples!  As you can see here he must be eating a genetically enhanced strawberry, it is almost the size of an apple!  His favorite foods are mac and cheese and pancakes.  He's also a fan of the ham sandwich, thank goodness!  He tolerates vegetables so we can get a little bit of those in him from time to time which is good.  He's not a picky eater, but not very adventurous either...  Oh, and he's a chocolate and cookie addict just like his dad...

He can run really fast and is losing most of his baby fat (except still has a little chub on his face to go with that super cute dimple!)

He has 7 freckles on his body. Sorry Evan, you have freckly genetics...  2 on his right knee and 3 on his right shin and ankle area.  1 on his left shoulder and 1 on the inside of his right pinky finger!  What odd little places for freckles but they are oh so cute and sweet :)  

He is very coordinated for a 3 year old with sporty things like dribbling and kicking a soccer ball and hitting a baseball.  Also he's getting really good riding his bike.  He also loves to run and race but he's very competitive.  We have a little game of "racing" down the hall to his bedroom at night and he gets soooo mad if he doesn't win.  We are still working on the good sportsmanship thing...  He's very high energy and full of spunk!  He definitely keeps us on our toes, that's for sure.  

He says some of the cutest, funniest things and has also become very affectionate in between his bouts of rough-housing!  We just melt when he tells us he loves us and gives us those huge kisses and bear hugs!  

He loves to sing!  I am amazed at how many songs he knows.  And he learns so many new ones from school and will come home singing new songs all the time.  He also likes to make up songs about anything and everything under the sun.  It's pretty darn cute.  I hope to catch one of his made up ones on video one of these days!  

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